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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Authority of Hadith in the light of Qur’an

Since the beginning the Muslim Ummah has unanimously believed in Hadith as an established secondary source of the Islamic Law after Qur’an. Infact it has always been recognized only another kind of revelation i.e. it is calledWahy Ghayr Matloo, Revelation that is not recited.
In recent past some pseudo-scholars have come up with a heretic view of Hadith rejection. What are their motives and what are the consequences, is a separate topic of interest itself. In this session we find some of the evidences for the Authority of Hadith from Qur’an, the primary source of the Islamic Law and belief system.
Hadith Source referred to in the Holy Qur’an:
Proof 1:
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an;
وَمَا جَعَلْنَا الْقِبْلَةَ الَّتِي كُنْتَ عَلَيْهَا إِلَّا لِنَعْلَمَ مَنْ يَتَّبِعُ الرَّسُولَ مِمَّنْ يَنْقَلِبُ عَلَى عَقِبَيْهِ
“And We did not prescribe the Qiblah which you used to observe except to know the one who follows the Messenger as distinct from the one who turns on his heels.” (Qur’an 2:143)
We know that initially during the stay at Makkah and during first one and a half years at Medina the Muslims used to pray facing Baitul Maqdas (i.e. Jerusalem) and later it was ordained to pray facing the Ka’ba as categorically told in Qur’an 2:144. But once this order of change was given the Jews and the hypocrites at Medina objected to the idea. This verse gives a response to the objection. The point of interest for us here is that the appointment of the previous Qibla has been attributed to Allah himself even though it has never been mentioned in the Qur’an. Obviously it was Holy Prophet (PBUH) who used to teach the people to face Baitul Maqdas prior to the change without referring to Qur’an yet we find the same to be attributed to Allah. The verse reads;
We did not prescribe the Qiblah …” and not,
The Prophet did not prescribe the Qiblah …”
This is solid evidence that the earlier order was given by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) on the authority of a revelation which did not form a part of the Qur’an. This is what Hadith is, only another kind of revelation!
Proof 2:
أُحِلَّ لَكُمْ لَيْلَةَ الصِّيَامِ الرَّفَثُ إِلَى نِسَائِكُمْ هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَهُنَّ عَلِمَ اللَّهُ أَنَّكُمْ كُنْتُمْ تَخْتَانُونَ أَنْفُسَكُمْ فَتَابَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَعَفَا عَنْكُمْ فَالْآَنَ بَاشِرُوهُنَّ وَابْتَغُوا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا حَتَّى يَتَبَيَّنَ لَكُمُ الْخَيْطُ الْأَبْيَضُ مِنَ الْخَيْطِ الْأَسْوَدِ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ ثُمَّ أَتِمُّوا الصِّيَامَ إِلَى اللَّيْلِ
“It is made lawful for you, in the nights of fasts, to have sex with your women. They are apparel for you, and you are apparel for them. Allah knows that you have been betraying yourselves, so He relented towards you and pardoned you. So now you can have sexual intimacy with them and seek what Allah has destined for you and eat and drink until the white thread of the dawn becomes distinct from the black thread; then complete the fast up to the night.” (Qur’an 2:187)
1- The words ‘relented towards you and pardoned you’ show that prior to the revelation of this verse having sexual intimacy with ones wife during the nights of Ramadan was a sin.
2- And the words ‘now you can have sexual intimacy with them’ show that with the revelation of this verse alone has it become lawful.
All these points imply that the earlier prohibition was indeed from Allah yet we do not find that in the Qur’an. Who was then the authority to prohibit it before this command if not the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? If he was the one, and surely he was, then is it not an evident proof in favor of Hadith, the words of the Prophet, as a source of Law?
Proof 3:
We read in the Holy Qur’an;
مَا قَطَعْتُمْ مِنْ لِينَةٍ أَوْ تَرَكْتُمُوهَا قَائِمَةً عَلَى أُصُولِهَا فَبِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ وَلِيُخْزِيَ الْفَاسِقِينَ
“Whatever palm-trees you have cut down, or have left them standing on their roots, it was with Allah‘s permission, and so that He might disgrace the transgressors.” (Qur’an 59:5)
The verse was revealed about an event during the siege of the treacherous Banu Nadair, a Jewish tribe of Medina. It is clearly mentioned that Muslims cut down trees with Allah’s permission. Where is the leave to cut down trees during a battle given in the Qur’an? How was the leave of Allah, not found in the Qur’an, conveyed if not through a revelation that does not form a part of the Qur’an? Obviously the only reasonable answer is that Allah conveyed the leave through ‘un-recited revelation’ and it was Holy Prophet (PBUH) who gave the command to cut down trees in his words during the siege. Such a command given by the Prophet (PBUH) is what is knows as Hadith. And the companions who carried out the command followed Hadith knowing fully that it was from Allah.
There are more examples on these lines.
Obeying the Prophet means obeying Sunnah/Hadith:
There are 11 verses in the Holy Qur’an which have the words; ‘Obey Allah and [His] Messenger’
Allah Almighty says;
وَأَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
“Obey Allah and the Messenger, so that you may be blessed.” (Qur’an 3:132)
وَأَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ
“And obey Allah and His Messenger, if you are believers.” (Qur’an 8:1)
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَلَا تُبْطِلُوا أَعْمَالَكُمْ
“O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and do not nullify your deeds.” (Qur’an 47:33)
Other verses are 4:59, 5:92, 8:20, 8:46, 24:54, 58:13 and 64:12.
Every single verse of the Holy Qur’an which speaks of the ‘Obedience to Allah’ without an exception mentions ‘Obedience to the Messenger’ as well.
Why is the Obedience to the Messenger mentioned separately if it has no implication other than obeying Allah’s commands in the Qur’an?
Same is true for all the verses in which there is a warning for not being obedient to Allah.
وَمَنْ يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَهُ يُدْخِلْهُ نَارًا خَالِدًا فِيهَا وَلَهُ عَذَابٌ مُهِينٌ
“Whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses the limits set by Him, He shall admit him to the Fire, where he will remain forever. For him there is a humiliating punishment.” (Qur’an 4:14)
Other verses are 8:13, 9:63, 33:36 and 72:23.
Thus we find that in all the verses that deal with the positive and negative aspects of obedience mention ‘Obedience to the Messenger (PBUH)’ along with ‘Obedience to Allah’ separately.
There is not a single verse in the Holy Qur’an wherein ‘Obedience to Allah’ is mentioned without that of the Messenger. On the other hand there are certain verses in which only ‘Obedience to the Messenger’ has been mentioned. Same is the case with the verses warning about disobedience. Following are a couple of examples;
وَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآَتُوا الزَّكَاةَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
“Establish Salah and pay Zakah and obey the messenger, so that you may be favored with mercy.”(Qur’an 24:56)
يَوْمَئِذٍ يَوَدُّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَعَصَوُا الرَّسُولَ لَوْ تُسَوَّى بِهِمُ الْأَرْضُ وَلَا يَكْتُمُونَ اللَّهَ حَدِيثًا
“On that Day, those who have disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger shall wish that the earth were leveled with them. They shall not (be able to) conceal anything from Allah.” (Qur’an 4:42)
Also see 4:115 & 24:54.
The reason for attaching this much importance to the obedience to the Messenger (PBUH) is that obedience to Allah is simply not possible without following the Prophet (PBUH) i.e. it is not possible to follow Qur’an without Hadith. And as to the verses that mention only ‘Obedience to the Messenger’ or warn against disobedience to him, it is because whatever the Messenger (PBUH) says is from Allah and obedience to him is in reality obedience to Allah. Qur’an itself says;
مَنْ يُطِعِ الرَّسُولَ فَقَدْ أَطَاعَ اللَّهَ
“Whoever obeys the Messenger obeys Allah” (Qur’an 4:80)
The summary is that Obedience to the Messenger, so often mentioned separately, always mentioned along with Obedience to Allah and sometimes mentioned alone as well ,establishes the fact that the words and deeds of the Prophet (PBUH) (i.e. Hadith) are also a source of guidance and are required to be followed along with the Holy Qur’an. Had it only been about following the Qur’an there was no need to add ‘Obedience to the Messenger’ after ‘Obedience to Allah’ in all these instances. Verily the Book of Allah is free from pointless verbosity!
Jibra’il and the Holy Prophet (PBUH); a comparison:
Qur’an is the Last and Final revelation of Almighty Allah to mankind. It came through Jibra’il (Archangel Gabriel) first to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and then through him to the whole world.
The task of Jibra’il (AS) was to simply bring down the words of Allah (i.e. Qur’an) and recite them to the Prophet (PBUH) while this alone was not the task of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He was not only to recite the verses but also to teach the Book of Allah. We read in the Qur’an;
لَقَدْ مَنَّ اللَّهُ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ بَعَثَ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آَيَاتِهِ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ
“Allah has surely conferred favor on the believers when He raised in their midst a messenger from among themselves who recites to them His verses and makes them pure and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom.” (Qur’an 3:164)
The verse implies that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has the final word in interpretation of the Book [i.e. Qur’an] as he has come to teach the Book and not merely to recite its verses.
If the task of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was similar to that of Angel Jibra’il why is it that Allah so often mentions the Obedience to the Prophet along with Obedience to Himself while there is no injunction about Obedience to Jibra’il?
Had the Prophet’s (PBUH) task been the same as that of Jibra’il (AS) there would have been no mention of obedience to him just as there is no mention of obedience to Jibr’ail.
This is a strong notion in support of Hadith along with Qur’an as a source of Law in the House of Islam!
May ALLAH make us have faith in all the articles and fundamentals of His Deen!



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Muhammed Umar Rao, Ex-Hindu, Brahmin reverts to Islam

God’s grace that I’m blessed with religion of God, I’m Mohammed Umar Rao from India, I embraced Islam 6 years back at the age of 18.  I wanted to share my story with you all perhaps this would make a difference for non-Muslims to really think over to know what is the truth.  I shared my story with two brothers, All praise and thanks be to God, they were convinced that my decision and choice is best, they started reading Quran and also embraced it few days back.

My Background

I come from a middle class orthodox Brahmin family; my parents worked in private firms (Mother: teacher, Father: textile engineer).  My religious education was at my maternal uncle’s place, that’s how I became orthodox and my whole family education was always against Muslims, which was nailed in me deeply.
I was associated with RSS for few years; I always hated Muslims to the extent that in all public functions I wanted to give high volume for music sound boxes to ensure that the Adhaan [Call to Prayer] should not be heard at all.  I used to go round the town visiting all temples to complete my worship everyday.  I was liked, appreciated in family for being orthodox and encouraged to do more.

My Meeting with Islam

In the summer, my mother asked me to work for a Muslim business firm, which I disagreed, because from childhood I always hated Muslims.  My mother stopped forcing me on this; I worked few summers with a non-Muslim so I was able to satisfy my parents.  Later, I quit that part time job because I did not like the job and started concentrating more on studies aiming for a better job.  Meantime, my mother, sisters worked 2 months in part time for this Muslim brother.  They were highly impressed with him.
I always hated this person because I did not like the fact that my people were praising a Muslim whom I always hated.  I was pushed and insulted for not being useful to the family, so I started working for the same Muslim brother though I hated him before going.  After getting in his shop I started hating more because the non-Muslim employees of that shop embraced Islam, I took this challenge to teach him a lesson claiming my religion is true and from there, I started doing comparative study with whatever common sense which God had blessed me then.
By now, in the verge to know more about Islam, I started reading English translation of the Holy Quran (by Abdullah Yusuf Ali).  This changed my entire student life; I was stuck with fear, doubts, I realized the fact that whatever I’m doing is wrong, my religion is all about imaginations/myths and false stories.  I had many questions, doubts like where am I heading to, what should I do?  What is my duty?  Why has the message of truth not reached all of us?  Many questions came to my mind and my entire student life went in this hunt of truth.
I started questioning my parents, people around that who has seen God almighty to paint /make images of God, all answered me that none has seen God which is so true as it is mentioned in many places in The Quran.  Finally, some mythological stories broke my faith down.  The stories of Ganesha, Chamundeswari, Ram, Sita etc. did not make sense to me.  I could no longer imagine them as gods.
When I questioned my parents that Vedas are against Idol Worship and why do we still practice it, my mother scolded me saying we are supposed to do it as our forefathers did it, the next day I read a verse in the Quran, Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) which reads:
“When it is said to them: ‘Follow what God has sent down.’  They say: “Nay!  We shall follow what we found our fathers following.” (Would they do that!) Even though their fathers did not understand anything nor were they guided?” (Quran 2:170)
“That was a nation who has passed away.  They shall receive the reward of what they earned and you of what you earn.  And you will not be asked of what they used to do.” (Quran 2:134)
When I read this I was shocked to see something which I just questioned my mother last night.  This ayah (verse) hit me right deep inside.  I slowly stopped worshipping idols, and stopped doing Pooja [Editor’s note: A Hindu ritual for prayer], since shirk(Polytheism) is the only sin which will never be forgiven.  I started practicing the teachings of Islam in secret in the beginning.  There were few [themes] from chapter Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) which [mean that] There are few who accept Islam wherever it profits them and not whole heartedly [and that they] are hypocrites.
“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Quran 5:3)
I realized that for all the questions that I have in my mind, the answers are present in the Quran.
By grace of God, I started conveying message of God at my home with little knowledge I had, I wanted to complete my B.E. meantime, conveying the truth would make it easy in the long run for me and my family, but after my final year of diploma I was pushed to wall, then the time came where I had no choice but to quit my family, my sister also embraced Islam and she joined me.  We had to live out of our house for more than a year without a job or regular source of income.  All praise be to God, God made our ways easy to be firm on truth.
As God says in the Quran:
“Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: ‘We believe,’ and will not be tested.” (Quran 29:2)
Over a period, Alhamdulillah, God opened doors of opportunities for us, I had quit my previous job as I was unable to perform my five times prayer, All the opportunities that came my way were from the mechanical industry which demanded that I work in shift and compromise my prayer.  After quitting that job/mechanical profession for 1+ year, I did not get any job where I can perform 5 times prayer, Grace of God, I started working as faculty for 2000 rupees for a year and now I’m blessed with a better Job.  By the Grace of God, Almighty God has chosen us, there’s nothing more required.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How To Become a Muslim?

Praise be to Allaah. 

All praise be to Allah, the lord of the universe. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon Mohammad, His last messenger. 

The purpose of this hand-out is to correct a false idea spread among those willing to adopt Islam as their faith. Some people have a wrong notion that entering into the Islamic fold requires an announcement from the concerned person in the presence of high ranking scholars or shaikhs or reporting this act to courts of justice or other authorities. It is also thought that the act accepting Islam, should, as a condition, have a certificate issued by the authorities, as evidence to that effect.
We wish to clarify that whole matter is very easy and that none of these conditions or obligations are required. For Allah, Almighty, is above all comprehension and knows well the secrets of all hearts. Nevertheless, those who are going to adopt Islam as their religion are advised to register themselves as Muslims with the concerned governmental agency, as this procedure may facilitate for them many matters including the possibility of performing Hajj (Pilgrimage) and Umrah.

If anyone has a real desire to be a muslim and has full conviction and strong belief that Islam is the true religion ordained by Allah for all human-being, then, one should pronounce the “shahada”, the testimony of faith, without further delay. The Holy Qur’an is explicit on this regard as Allah states :
“The Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam” (Qur’an 3:19)
in another verse of the Holy Qur’an, Allah states :
“If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Submission to Allah), Never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the hell fire).” (Qur’an 3:85)

In addition, Islam is the only religion prevailing over all other religions. Allah states in the Holy Qur’an :
“To thee We sent the Scripture in the truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety :…. (Qur’an 5:48)

Mohammad, the Prophet of Allah (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), said :
“The superstructure of Islam is raised on five (pillars) : testifying that there is no God (none truly to be worshipped) but Allah, and that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah, performing the prayer, paying the Zakah (poor-due), fasting the month of Ramadan, and performing Hajj.” 

The Shahada can be declared as follows :

 The English translation is :
“I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.”

However, it would not be sufficient for anyone to only utter this testimony oraly either in private or in public; but rather, he should believe in it by heart with a firm conviction and unshakeable faith. If one is truly sincere and complies with the teachings of Islam in all his life, he will find himself a new born person. 

This will move him to strive more and more to improve his character and draw nearer to perfection. The light of the living faith will fill his heart until he becomes the embodiment of that faith.
What would be next after declaring oneself a Muslim ? one should then know the real concept underlying this testimony which means the oneness of Allah and meet its requiremants. One must behave accordingly, applying this true faith to every thing one speaks or does.

What do the words of the “Shahada” signify? The significant point which every Muslim must know very well is the truth that there is no God (deity) to be worshipped other than Allah. He-glory be to Him – is the only true God, Who alone deserves to be worshipped, since He is the Giver of life and Sustainer and Nourisher of mankind and all creation with His unlimited bounties. Man must worship Allah, Who alone is worthy of worship.

The second part of the Shahada “i.e., Wa Ash-hadu anna Mohammadan abduhu wa rasuluh” means that Prophet Mohammad (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) is the servant and chosen messenger of Allah. No one must have two opinions about this matter. In fact the Muslim has to obey the commands of the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), to believe him in what he has said, to practise his teachings, to avoid what ha has forbidden, and to worship Allah alone according to the message revealed to him, for all the teachings of the Prophet were in fact revelation and inspirations conveyed to him by Allah.

What is the meaning of worship? It simply means rendering sincere service, showing reverence for Allah. In a deeper shade of meaning, it implies total submission and complete obedience to Allah’s commandments both in utterances and actions of man whether explicit or implicit.
Worship fall into two categories :
Visible (manifest or outward). Invisible (concealed or inward).
Visible worship includes acts such as uttering the two parts of the “Shahada”, performing prayers, giving Zakah (the poor-due), recitation of the Holy Qur’an, supplication, adoring Allah by praising Him, purifying our bodies before prayers, etc.

This type of worship is associated with movement of the parts of the human body. 
Invisible worship is to believe in Allah, in the Day of Judgement (in the Hereafter), in the Angels, in the Books of Allah, in the Prophets of Allah, in the Divine Decree of destiny (that good and bad are determined by Allah alone).

This type worship does not involve movement of parts of the body but it surely has bearing on one’s heart which subsequently affects one’s  way of life. 
It should be borne in mind that any worship not dedicated to Allah alone will be rejected as one form of polytheism and this causes apostasy from the Islamic fold.

The next step for a newly revert to Islam is the purify himself by taking a cmplete bath. He should then resolve to comply with the principles and rules of Islam in their entirety. He should disown all forms of polytheism and false beliefs. He should reject evil and be rigtheous. Such rejection of evil and being righteous is one of the requisites of the motto of Islam – that is, Laa ilaha illallah. 
Allah states in the Holy qur’an :
“…whoever rejects evil and believes in the Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy Hand-hold, that never breaks…” (Qur’an 2:256).

We have to consider that when declare from our heart that “ there is no god (deity) worthy to be worshipped but Allah”, it implies on our part love, devotion,  faith and obedience to the rules of Islamic legislations which are legally binding on all Muslims. It is a requiremant of  “there is no god worthy to be  worshipped but Allah” to love for the sake of Allah and to reject for the sake of Allah.
This is the firmest anchor of belief which materialise the meaning of “AL WALA” and “AL BARA”. It means that a Muslim should love and be loyal to his Muslim brothers. He should, as a practise, dissociate himself completely from the unbelievers and refuse to be influenced by them, both in wordly and religious matters.

We conclude with a humble prayer to Allah that may He cleanse the hearts and souls of those who are genuine seekers of truth and may He bless the community of believers.
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Willing to Marry? But to whom.....?

Among the most memorable introductions I have come across, was of a 25 years old New Muslim. Here it is: Brother Nisaar, This is Umar, and he is a new Muslim for past few years. He has decided to marry a widow , with or without children. He wants to thank Allah that way. … I thanked him with a spontaneous supplication. This was a pleasant surprise for me because just a few days back ‘a wife shopper’ in his mid twenty had boasted before me when he said “ I have yet to find my ideal girl” then he disclosed,” Till now I have rejected no less then 25 proposals!” Had there been a union of ‘brides to be’ this man would have surely been shown a red card .

 On one hand we have young Muslims born and brought up in un Islamic manner, choosing the way of other cultures and ideologies, and on the other hand we have New Muslims born and brought up in Un Islamic manner as well yet they choose to be an asset for the Muslim community when they join us. They are reviving many precious Islamic traditions which have been dead for us for centuries, and one of them is marrying widows by young unmarried men.

 One of the best obligations of Islam upon the society was widow and divorcee remarriages. Many Muslim women, who lost their husbands, did not have to wait for long except for their iddah period, and marriage proposals of men flooded their guardians. There were young men who took their marriages with widows, divorcees and deserted women as a religious ritual.  There were no fashion shows or vulgar display of beauties that gave a parameter to grade the looks of women. Young men in those days were awed by women whose stories of taqwa and sacrifice reached them, irrespective to their looks and age.

 How many young men would be willing to take the hand of a widow  today? When many sunnah of the Prophet are being revived, no one draws the attention towards this noble tradition except a few scholars.  In fact our young men are totally governed by the view point of the society “what will people say?” Here is a list of excuses in many of today’s young men for not finding a right girl.  I term it as ‘Cinderella Syndrome’.
  1. My mother is looking for me
  2. My sister did not like her hair
  3. Her dress and  her views are too religious and orthodox
  4. My parents are asking me to wait …..

  I wish that some one should pose a question to the fatawa websites, Dr. Bilal Philips, Shaikh Salman Oudha  and other scholars of Fiqh…Do young Muslim men also require the consent of his wali for his marriage?

  Due to this matrimonial chaos, the marriage market looks saturated with only few boys around for an over numbered women. When the early generation Muslims chose taqwa as the criteria for choosing a spouse , there was a surplus of  women waiting for marriage due to a variety of “ religious men” in abundance’

Today many young people girls and boys want hours of meeting and have scores of questions to discover whether they are compatible or not. Yet many complain of unhappiness and wrong choice within a few years after marriage. The reasons are simple: Boys go for looks and just looks, and girls prefer richness if they possess those looks. Remember: Happiness cannot be judged by how much money your man spends on you but how much quality time you spend with each other.

Author: Nisaar Yusuf observes and analyses socio educational problems from Islamic view point. He can be reached at nisaar_yusuf

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sex education or Sexy Education !

A few months back, a local school in Mumbai conducted a surprise inspection of schools bags. It was a shock for the authorities to discover bundles of DVDs and pictures related to Pornography. What surprised the authorities more were the number of children who possessed the material and the number of children who shared with them.

 Every time such news of sexual adventures of children appears in the media, a dead debate is brought back to life. Should sex education be compulsory in the schools? The orthodox Gujaratis, Marwaris, Muslims and some Marathi families resist the very idea of sex education and they seek refuge in the shade of local political parties. They are blamed for remaining in the closets like turtles in their shell. So you are answerable to those who are for sex education in schools.   Here is what I found when I tried to peep into the methods and the syllabus of sex education floated by some schools.

 A male or a female teacher can be teaching to a class mixed with boys and girls discussing about anatomy and other sex related topics. An experienced teacher noted: There were more giggles in the class than in a dark cinema hall where a hot movie is shown. This was the only subject which the children awaited with excitement.

  The syllabus includes acts of sex, how to use condoms, how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, how to calculate safe dates……

 There would be no exams on this subject but yet the results are out.

In the western countries, sex is marketed as widely as colas and the age of consent in countries like Sweden is as low as 13 years.  Latest BBC news report that some manufacturers have come out with extra small size condoms exclusively for young boys of 13. According to reports from the British media there are no less than 2000 schools in the UK having wet nurses. The duty of these wet nurses would be to help get rig of unwanted pregnancies, without letting the parents know. A civilization, where adulterous fornicators, pedophiles, gays and lesbians swarm like bacteria in curd, give a wide option for children in their early teens to venture into a morally dangerous zone

In  Islamic syllabus there is no term like sex education, but a variety of issues related to sex, anatomy, sexual hygiene and above all moral and ethics of sexual life are highlighted in a civilized manner. Maintaining hijab through modest dressing, avoiding intermingling with opposite sex are the most important chapters taught from an early age. Children who have reached the age of puberty are not allowed to enter the bedroom of parents without seeking permission, an excellent right of privacy for the parents. Husbands and wives are not permitted to discuss their bedroom details with their relatives and friends and if some does it then, it is compared to sex performed by a male and female devil in the middle of the market place.  

 The other main difference between the so called sex education and Islamic education of morals and values, is that  Islam permits marriage at an early age to allow the satisfaction of sexual desires legally where as  the so called sex educators do  not touch this subject, they focus more on safe affairs, and sex outside marriage opening more doors of moral decay for an already sexually rotted society.

 Author: Nisaar Yusuf  throws light on contemporary socio- educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dr Zakir Naik's Lecture in Doha, Qatar.

InshaALLAH on 17th March 2011, 
Dr Zakir Naik will be delivering a Public Talk on 
Misconception about Islam @ Doha, Qatar.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Islamic Monotheism : The Biggest Charm of Islam

Few years back a local Guajarati news paper published an article by Swami Sachhinanand, a very popular Hindu religious scholar . It was on the front page of its Sunday issue and the main story of that day. The learned man narrated his experience with a new Muslim in UK. He wrote: One of the daughters of my host had embraced Islam. We were sitting in a room where the grand mother of that girl was in her last breaths. There were many of us, local Hindu scholars and other bigwigs of our community.

  All of a sudden a young lady in Burkha walked in and went straightaway to the dying lady and said " Daadi maa ( Grand mother), don’t die except in the state of Islam. I may not be able to help you tomorrow when you stand before your Creator' The father of the girl stood up and shouted. " If you have become a Muslim it is ok but don’t corrupt my mother. You may meet her but dont bother her" The girl turned back and replied peacefully. "Pappa,  I have passed on the message to her and to all of you present over here so dont blame me on the day of qiyamah... The girl was asked to leave and she left....

 Swami Sachhinanand continued...   'INDEED ISLAM  IS  A  CHARMING  RELIGION  .  I was impressed by the courage that Islam had sowed in her......

Indeed Islam is a charming religion, and the most charming factor of Islam is its concept of God. There is no middle man or any type of priest in between you and your creator. You can approach directly to him at any time of day or night.  I remember a research story in BBC about a new Muslim girl. Her reason for embracing Islam was the headline of the editorial. it said " Allah knocked on  my heart". 

Those who study the Qur'an properly may have realized that the most of the early verses revealed spoke of Allah. The unmatched attributes of Allah entered into  the hearts of the early Muslims and worked as an assurance and made them firm in their hardships. Today many of us have missed that link with Allah. Many Muslim sects carry a corrupt creed that has taken them away from the strongest and the most charming pillar of Islam.

 A revert lady was asked by a journalist what made her leave her faith, customs, life style and opt for a simple religion? Was it hijab or the law of inheritance? She said "NO! it is the Concept of God that appealed me!"  In Dec 2000, I was gifted a book by Dr Zakir Naik " Shahral Aqeedatul Wasitiyaa" a master piece on Islamic monotheism by Imam ibn Taymiya. After reading the book I realised why the Muslims are failing to get back their lost glory. The faith has been corrupted terribly. The early Muslims were freed slaves, poor , the needy, widows, orphans….. It was their uncorrupt faith that made them powerful. Today we have 55 Muslim nations with armies, oil wealth, univeersities, industries.... but we don't have pwoer. We are among the weakest nations , because we dont have that link with touhid. Today those organizations, individuals and scholars who are correcting the creed are doing a very good job.

 When many Musilms rejoice  the spread of Islam, I see two reasons, one is a glad tiding from Allah that Islam will prevail,. This verse appears three times in the Qur’an including Surah Toubah, Surah Saff and Surah  Fat’ah. The other verse is in the form of a  warning and it appears in  the last verse of Surah Mohammed “ And if you turn away (from your responsibilities) Allah will replace you with another people who will not be like you.”  When I see Muslims involved in heinous shirk I fear that perhaps Allah is replacing them with another people.

Author : Nisaar Yusuf focuses on Islam and comparitive social system, comparitive financial system........ He can be reached at

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Origin of Vedas, Their Inspiration, and Authority

How and where the Vedas originated are subjects of much debate amongst Hindu circles. The opinions are divergent. Some believe that the Vedas are millions of years old while others consider them to be not more than five thousand years old. When I read through the many articles written on this subject by Hindus themselves, I found that almost all of them assumed the Vedas to be eternal. Hence, the question of the origin of Vedas is never dealt with properly. Those Hindus who addressed this question trivialized it, knowing well the amount of contradictory opinions within Hindu texts. I will attempt to bring together whatever information we get from authoritative Hindu texts regarding this issue.

Conflicting Reports

1. The Vedas were produced from deities Agni, Vayu and Surya
Chandogya Upanishad says
"1. Prajapati brooded over the worlds, and from them thus brooded on he squeezed out the essences, Agni (fire) from the earth, Vayu (air) from the sky, Aditya (the sun) from heaven.

2. He brooded over these three deities, and from them thus brooded on he squeezed out the essences, the Rik verses from Agni, the Yagus verses from Vayu, the Saman verses from Aditya." [Chandogya Upanishad- Adhyay 4, Khanda 17, Mantras1 and 2]
The same view is expressed in Shatpath Brahman 11:5:8:1,2. This reference clearly mentions that Agni, Vayu and Aditya are not the names of any Rishis but are demi gods. Note that only three Vedas are mentioned here. There is no mention of Atharvaved. However, Gopath Brahman (1:49), which is the specific Brahman of Atharvaveda, mentions its deity to be the Moon.
2. The Vedas are the breathings of the Great Being
Shatapath Brahman (14:5:4:10) and Brihadaranyak Upanishad (2:4:10) says,
"As clouds of smoke proceed by themselves out of a lighted fire kindled with damp fuel, thus, verily, has been breathed forth from this Great Being what we have as Rig-veda, Yagur-veda, Sama-veda, Atharvangirasas, Itihasa (legends), Purana (cosmogonies), Vidya (knowledge), the Upanishads, Slokas (verses), Sutras (prose rules), Anuvyakhyanas (glosses), Vyakhyanas (commentaries)'. From him alone all these were breathed forth."
Mr. Agniveer has used this verse from Shatapath Brahman to prove that Vedas have emanated from God. He says,
Shatpath Brahman states that Ishwar, who is present even beyond the Akash/Sky created the Vedas. The way breath goes out of body and then comes in, during inception of creation, Ishwar creates the Vedas and illuminates the world, and in the phase of dissolution (Pralay), Vedas no more remain in world. However just as a sapling remains inside the seed, Vedas still remain in knowledge of Ishwar, unchanged.
The interpretation that he tries to put on this verse is unfounded. If he uses this verse as proof of Vedic origin, then he cannot brush aside the fact that even the Puranas, Itihasas, etc are on the same level as the Vedas. He simply gives the reference and his own meaning without quoting the exact verse for fear that his own ideology might be undermined. Anyway, let us move on with other opinions.
3. The Vedas were scraped off from Skambha as being his hair and his mouth
Atharvaveda (10:7:20) says,
"Declare who is that Skambha, from whom they cut off the Rik verses; from whom they scraped off the Yajush; of whom the Saman verses are the hairs, and the verses of Atharva and Angiras the mouth"
4. Shvetashvatara Upanishad 6: 18 says,
"Seeking for freedom I go for refuge to that God who is the light of his own thoughts, he who first creates Brahma and delivers the Vedas to him"
5. Mundak Upanishad 1:1:1,2 says,
"1. BRAHMA was the first of the Devas, the maker of the universe, the preserver of the world. He told the knowledge of Brahman, the foundation of all knowledge, to his eldest son Atharva.

2. Whatever Brahma told Atharvan, that knowledge of Brahman Atharvan told to Angir; he told it to Satyavaha Bharadvaga, and Bharadvaga told it in succession to Angiras."
Mr. Agniveer makes yet another error on this issue. He claims that Brahma learned the four Vedas from the Rishis. However, according to these references from Svetashvatara and Mundak Upanishads, Brahma was directly taught by God and he in turn taught the other Rishis.  An interesting point to be noted here is that in the same Khanda,  verse 5, Angiras calls the four Vedas as 'lower knowledge'  (Apra) and says that God cannot be known through the Vedas.
From the above given passages it is clear that there is no clear understanding of the origin of Vedas. The texts mutually contradict. Numerous other Hindu texts have still more variant views about the origin of Vedas. I will summarily mention those views also:
  1. According to Taittiriya Brahman (2:39:1) 'Vedas are the hair of Prajapati's beard'.
  2. According to Bhagavat Puran (3:12:34-37) 'Vedas issued from the four mouths of Brahma'.
  3. Vishnu Puran says that 'Vedas were produced from Gayatri'.
  4. Vishu Puran also says that 'the Vedas are Vishnu'.
  5. According to Mahabharata, Shanti Parv, 'Saraswati was the mother of Vedas'.

Rishis as the authors of Vedas

A Rishi is a poet of the Vedas. The meaning of the word Rishi (ऋषि ) as given in Nirukt is Rishidarshanat (ऋषिर्दार्शनात), which means 'seer'. The famous quote of Yask Muni states that  यस्य वाक्य मस ऋषि, meaning 'Rishi is the one whose quote itself is the mantra'. This is suffient to show that Rishis were the ones who made up the mantras. This is backed up by Taittiriya Brahman (2:8:8:5) which states 
"Wise Rishis are the makers of mantras"
The assumption that Vedas are eternal makes many Hindus to say that Rishis were given the Vedas. Of this there is not the slightest proof. This Rishis again and again claim to have composed the hymns themselves just as a carpenter makes objects. In some hymns they express no consciousness whatever of deriving assistance from any supernatural source.
How many Rishis?
A.   4 Rishis
Arya Samaj/agniveer claims that Vedas were reaveled to four Rishis, viz, Agni, Vayu, Angira and Surya. However, the reference I gave earlier from Chandogya Upanishad (4:17:1-2) disproves this assertion. This reference clearly calls these four 'persons' asDevatas or deities, and not Rishis. The imaginary Rishis of Arya Samaj are nowhere to be found in authoritative Hindu texts. If they were real Rishis we would certainly have their biographies.
B.   414 Rishis
Another view about the Vedic authorship is that Vedic mantras are the works of 414 Rishis, whose names are to be found inAnukarmani. When we read the Vedas, we find the name of a Rishi mentioned with every Sookt (hymn), who can be considered as the author of that particular Sookt. However, Arya Samaj scholars opine that these Rishis are not the ones who conjured up the mantras. Rather, they were the people who comprehended the meaning of the hymns by their meditation. This opinion is false due to the following reasons:
  • The Rishis whose names are borne at the beginning of the Sooktas, many times their names appear even inside the Sooktas. What is the name of a Rishi doing inside a Vedic Mantra? For example, Vishwamitra JI is the Rishi of the third Mandal (Book) of Rigveda. His name appears in Rigveda 3:53:7,9
"Bounteous are these, Angirases, Virupas: the Asura's Heroes and the Sons of Heaven. They, giving store of wealth to Visvamitra, prolong his life through countless Soma-pressings.
8 Maghavan weareth every shape at pleasure, effecting magic changes in his body, Holy One, drinker out of season, coming thrice, in a moment, through fit prayers, from heaven.
9 The mighty sage, God-born and God-incited, who looks on men, restrained the billowy river.When Visvamitra was Sudas's escort, then Indra through the Kusikas grew friendly."
Also, Rishi Kanva is the Rishi of the major part of the 8th Mandal of Rigveda. His name occurs some fifty times within the Mantras of Mandal 8.
  • Not only the names of Rishis but also the names of their contemporary rulers and rishis appear in the Vedic Mantras. For example, Rishi Vashishtha is the Rishi of the 7th Mandal of Rigveda. This Mandal is thus also called as Vashishtha Mandal. Vashishtha was a contemporary of Rishi Vishvamitra and the Purohit (priest) of Raja Ramchandra. His name occurs 45 times.
  • When the Sookta bears the name of a male Rishi, the genders used in the hymn are always masculine. When the Sookta bears the name of a female Rshika, all the genders used in the Mantras of that Sookt are feminine. This phenomenon is certain proof that the Sookt has been produced by that very Rishi or Rishika. For example, see the Yama-Yami Sookt (Rigveda 10:10), where Yama and Yami both are having a dialogue.
  • Many Sooktas contain similar dialogues between a man and a woman. They have been assigned as that Sooktas Rishi and Rishika. For example, the dialogue between Indra and his wife, Indrani (Rigveda 10:86)
  • In some Sooktas, the Devata (deity) of one mantra is the Rishi of next mantra and vice versa. This type of Sookta is known as a dialogue between a Rishi and the Deity. Now, if the Rishi  was only a seer of the mantras, how is it possible that in a particular Sookt, the Rishi becomes a Devata  in one mantra and a Devata becomes a Rishi in another? For example see Rigveda 10:51, where a dialogue is going on between Agni Sauchik and the Devata. Here, in mantras 1,3,5,7 and 9 Agni Sauchik is the Devata while in mantras 2,4,6,and 8 he is the Rishi.
  • We may ask has Swami Dayanand Ji really understood any portion of the Vedas. If yes, then why is his name not mentioned in the Vedas?
  • Not even one Sookt in the entire Vedas bears the names of Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Sri Vyas Ji, who are the stars of Indian literature. Does this imply they never understood the Vedas?
  • Vedas also contain the mention of the family trees, varnas (Brahmin, Kshatriya,etc) of some Rishis. If the Rishis were only seers, how come did the tales of their mutual conflicts find their way into Vedic Mantras? For example, Vedas inform us about 22 Rishis of Kanva family,  36 Rishis of Atri family, 11 Rishis of Vashishtha family, etc.

Opinions of Rishis concerning the origin of Vedic Hymns

As I have already said that the names of the Rishis of each hymn are found in the Anukarmani. It is a record of the number of verses, name and family of Rishis, names of deities, etc.
In later times when the Vedas were claimed to be eternal, it was pretended that these Rishis were only the ones by whom hymns "were seen" or to whom they were communicated.  However, there is no proof for this.
Now what is the opinion of the Rishis themselves regarding the origin of Vedas. Following points make it clear:
[a] In the very second mantra of Rigveda is it mentioned
"Worthy is Agni to be praised by living as by ancient seers. He shall bring. hitherward the gods."
[b] Rigveda 10:54:6 ascribes the making of hymns to a Rishi
"An acceptable and honorific hymn has been uttered to Indra by Brihaduktha, maker of hymns"
[c] Again it is mentioned in Rigveda 7:22:9
"Among all Rsis, Indra, old and recent, who have engendered hymns as sacred singers, Even with us be thine auspicious friendships.  Preserve us evermore with blessings."
[d]  Who prepares the hymns? Rigveda 5:2:11 says,
"As a skilled craftsman makes a car, a singer I, Mighty One! this hymn for you have fashioned. If you, O Agni, God, accept it gladly, may we obtain thereby the heavenly waters."
[e] Rigveda 4:16:21 says,
"Now, Indra! lauded, glorified with praises, let power swell. high like rivers for the singer. For you a new hymn, Lord of Bays, is fashioned. May we, car-borne, through song be victors ever."
[f] Rigveda 7:35:14
"So may the Rudras, Vasus, and Adityas accept the new hymn which we now are making. May all the Holy Ones of earth and heaven, and the Cow's offipring hear our invocation."

[g] Rigveda 6:34:1 says,
"FULL Many songs have met in you, O Indra, and many a noble thought from you proceed. Now and of old the eulogies of sages, their holy hymns and lauds, have yearned for Indra."
From this we come to know that instead of the hymns being eternal, or of an infinite age, they are composed by the Rishis themselves. The Rishis explicitly speak of ancient and new hymns. The Rishis entertained the idea that the gods would be more highly gratified if their praises were celebrated in new, and perhaps more elaborate and beautiful compositions, than if older prayers had been repeated.
Panini openly states the fact that there are old and new Brahmanas; whereas according to the doctrine of later times, the brahmanas are neither old nor new, but eternal and of divine origin. He rests his opinoin as to the difference of dates on the evidence of language. One argument of the eternity of Vedas is that sound is eternal. To any person of common sense the simple statement of this proof, is its refutation. The same argument would prove every book to be eternal.
Some Hindus might respond that by the new Rishis and Hymns are meant the Rishis and Hymns of the present life, while the old Rishis and Hymns are of the previous life. This view is far from logical. According to the belief of Arya Samaj, if these are the same Vedas that have always been. then classifying the Hymns into old and new is meaningless. This is because the Hymns that would be new would also be old.

Internal evidence of the authorship of Vedas

When a deed is produced in court, which is affirmed to have been written many hundred years ago, there are often means of judging from the document itself as to its age. Suppose, for example, it contained the names of Einstein, Gandhi or Hitler, it could at once be known that it could not be older than last century. If it were asserted that these referred to other persons of the same name who lived long before or that they were prophecies, the conclusion would be that it was an attempt to support one falsehood by another. If the Vedas are eternal, why are the names of so many persons mentioned in them who lived in comparatively recent times?
The hymns of the Rigveda themselves supply us with numerous data by which we can judge of the circumstances to which they owed their origin, and of the manner in which they were created. They afford us very distinct indications of the locality in which they were composed.  The Indus is the great river; the Ganges is only twice mentioned; the Sarasvati was the eastern boundary.
The hymns show us Aryan tribes living in a state of warfare with surrounding enemies (some of them, probably, alien in race and language), and gradually, as we may infer, forcing their way onward to the east and south. They supply us with numerous specimen of the particular sorts of prayers, viz., for protection and victory, which men circumstanced would naturally address to the gods whom they worshipped as well as of the more common applications which men in general offer up for the various blessings that constitute the sum of human welfare.
The following hymn to Indra, asking him to destroy the Dasyus, the aborigines, and give food and a camp with running water, bears internal evidence that it was composed at a time when the Aryans were invading India:
1 GLAD you: your glory has been quaffed, Lord of Bay Steeds, as 'twere the bowl's enlivening mead.
For you the Strong there is strong drink, mighty, omnipotent to win.
2 Let our strong drink, most excellent, exhilarating, come to you,
Victorious, Indra bringing gain, immortal conquering in fight,
3 You, Hero, winner of the spoil, urgest to speed the car of man.
Burn, like a vessel with the flame, the lawless Dasyu, Conqueror!
4 Empowered by your own might, O Sage, you stole Sarya's chariot wheel.
You bare Kutsa with the steeds of Wind to Susna as his death.
5 Most mighty is you rapturous joy, most splendid is your active power,
Wherewith, foe-slaying, sending bliss, you art supreme in gaining steeds.
6 As you, O Indra, to the ancient singers wast ever joy, as water to the thirsty,
So unto you I sing this invocation. May we find strengthening food in full abundance.

Conclusion as to the authorship of the Vedas

Quotations have been given from Hindu sacred books containing many different opinions as to the origin of Vedas. In opposition to these, the authorship of many of the hymns is distinctly claimed by persons whose names are given. The hymns themselves demonstrate that they were composed when the Aryans were entering India, when they had not advanced much beyond the border, and were engaged in constant wars with the natives.
Victory in battle was often ascribed to the virtue of a hymn. Thus in Rigveda 7:33:3,
"So, verily, with these he crossed the river, in company with these he slaughtered Bheda. So in the fight with the Ten Kings, Vasisthas! did Indra help Sudas through your devotions."
Such hymns were considered unfailing spells, and became the sacred war-songs of the whole tribe. They were handed down from the father to son as the most valuable heirloom.
The legitimate conclusion is that the Vedic hymns were written by the authors whose names they bear, and they are not eternal.
